Monday, February 10, 2025

Royal Commission resumes this week

The Royal Commissioninto Aged Care Quality and Safety will hold its fourth Melbourne hearing this week, looking into how mental health, oral health and allied health care could be improved for people accessing aged care services.

The hearing will be run from 15 to 17 July, with no public access allowed due to COVID-19 restrictions across the State.

live webcast will be available from 10am each day for those interested in watching the proceedings.

Topics to be considered as part of the hearing include:

  • increased funding and/or alternative funding models;
  • incentives for health care professionals to provide services at an individual’s place of residence;
  • increased training for aged care workers;
  • clarifying responsibilities of approved providers and implementing performance measures or performance indicators.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck have announced the Aged Care Royal Commission will be extended until February 26, 2021.

“This is about ensuring that Australians, as they age, have greater choices, that families have greater choices,” Mr Morrison said.

The Royal Commission was due to hand down its final report in November but was suspended for three months during to the COVID health crisis.

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