Saturday, February 8, 2025

New Brisbane COVID testing clinic opens

A new 24-hour COVID testing clinic has opened in Eight Mile Plains on Brisbane’s southside.

The clinic is being run by Queensland Ambulance Service and is located at Eight Mile Plains Community Health Centre, 51 McKechnie Drive.

Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, Yvette D’Ath said higher testing numbers were crucial to contain the Southeast’s current outbreak.

“Getting tested saves lives, which is why we’re encouraging anyone with symptoms to come forward for testing,” she said.

“As the list of exposure sites grows in Southeast Queensland, it’s important that anyone with even the mildest symptoms gets tested.

“Around-the-clock testing is going to be crucial for essential workers and shift workers with irregular hours in the fight against this latest outbreak.

“Queensland Ambulance Service is experienced at running COVID-testing clinics and this latest hub in one of our latest weapons to fight the deadly Delta strain.”

The Eight Mile Plains COVID-testing clinic will be open until 10pm tonight and will be open 24 hours from Tuesday 3 August.

Queensland Health is currently operating 128 COVID testing clinics throughout the State, including 54 drive-through clinics. COVID tests are also available at a network of Commonwealth clinics, private pathologists and community pharmacies.

To find a COVID testing location near you, visit https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/stay-informed/testing-and-fever-clinics

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