Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Federal Member for Gippsland, Darren Chester has come out in support of former Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack following his party room defeat at the hands of Barnaby Joyce today.
Mr Joyce was handed the leadership of the National Party and the country’s second highest job as Deputy PM following a leadership spill this morning.
In a heartfelt online statement, Mr Chester let his feelings be known about the departing Deputy Minister McCormack.
“Politics can be a brutally unfair business and today my party room voted to depose one of the most dedicated, resilient and passionate advocates regional Australia has ever produced,” Mr Chester said.
“Congratulations Michael McCormack MP on your leadership of The Nationals during the most tumultuous time in recent memory,” he said.
“Michael’s efforts to save the airline industry when the pandemic struck, his determination to deliver record infrastructure spending for regions including Gippsland, and support for regional jobs, were a hallmark of his leadership.
“We worked well together to deliver road safety initiatives, water infrastructure and countless community projects across Gippsland that will make a difference for years to come.
He said he regarded Mr McCormack as a personal friend and a trusted colleague.
“I can assure you, there’s not many in that category in Canberra,” he said.
“Rest assured Gippslanders, I’m not going anywhere and remain totally focused on helping our region prosper.
And as if it wasn’t already obvious, Mr Chester added: “And before anyone asks, I voted for Michael in the leadership ballot.”