Friday, February 7, 2025

Young and old to learn together

Elderly and young Victorians will learn together under the same roof, with the state government today announcing its backing of the construction of an international learning centre in Mornington.

Minister for Early Childhood, Ingrid Stitt said Andrew Kerr Care would receive $500,000 from the government to construct a 66-place Intergenerational Learning Centre.

“We are investing in the early years to ensure our children have the best educational start to life,” said Ms Stitt.

“The Intergenerational Learning Centre will enable our elderly and youngest people to connect and learn from each other to provide a unique approach to care and education.”

She said the intergenerational model of care offered by Herd provided opportunities for children and aged care residents to come together five days a week to enjoy activities together, such as art, music, lunch, storytelling, or just visiting. 

“The Herd offers children unique opportunities to become part of an extended family; to learn about the ageing process; to accept people with disabilities; and to be involved with people who are two or three generations apart,” the Minister said. 

“The aged-care residents will benefit from frequent interaction with children throughout their day; physical activity in playing with the children; and opportunities to play, laugh and enjoy the spirt and joy that children bring to their home environment.”

The project will help meet the local demand for three-and four-year-old kindergarten in the Mornington area and deliver a unique, intergenerational approach to education and care.

Construction is expected to start in February and be finished mid-year.

“We are thrilled to soon have a leading intergenerational centre in our community, to foster a love of learning and compassion spanning the decades,” said Member for Eastern Victorian Jane Garrett.

“We know that quality early childhood services provide a better start in life and this investment will ensure no child is left behind.”

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