Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Matt Keogh, has today announced a $5.445 million grant will be provided to RSL Queensland for a Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Ipswich.
The Minister said the expansion of the Veterans’ and Families’ Hub network will see more than 10,000 veterans and their families in Ipswich and its surrounds, access improved specialist services close to home.
“Each veteran community around the country is different so it’s essential we’re developing Hubs that provide targeted support, not taking a cookie cutter approach,” said Mr Keogh.
“The consultation undertaken with the local community in the development of the business case gives me confidence they’ll be able to deliver a Hub that fits the needs of the local community.”

The services facilitated by the Ipswich Hub will include a dedicated focus on medical interventions thanks to a partnership with GO2 Health, alongside the provision of physical and mental health rehabilitation services supported by Mates4Mates, and social and emotional wellbeing supports facilitated by RSL Queensland.
The Veterans’ and Families’ Hub will initially provide support through the Mates4Mates site in Ipswich and other existing RSL Queensland service facilities, before moving to a permanent site once established. Outreach services are already being provided and will be expanded upon across the Ipswich region, out to Toowoomba.

“RSL Queensland and Mates4Mates already have a proven track record in supporting veterans and families across the country. Now with the additional insights from GO2 Health I can’t wait to see what they achieve for the veteran community in Ipswich,” said Mr Keogh.
The expansion of the Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs network in the Ipswich region is part of the Government’s $46.7 million commitment to deliver 10 new Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs across the country.
For more information about Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs, visit