Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Murray River boosts vaccination sites

Community vaccination sites are being established across the Murray River Council municipality to provide residents with greater access to the COVID-19 vaccine.

The pop-up sites have been established by Murray River Council in partnership with Moama Pharmacy and will initially be visiting Mathoura and Wakool.

Council says other towns will be added to the schedule, subject to a vaccination provider being procured from the western area of council.

Mayor Chris Bilkey said Council wanted to make things as easy as possible for communities to get vaccinated.

“Recent data shows that Murray River Council is tracking really well with our vaccination rates, but some of our smaller communities are behind in numbers,” he said.

“So we thought why not increase opportunities for all of our community to get vaccinated by bringing vaccination hubs to them.”

“We approached local private providers, such as Moama Pharmacy, who were more than happy to expand their vaccination programs and bring them into the smaller communities on a rotating basis.”

Mayor Bilkey said the initiative also aligned with the area’s Local Community Action Plan, which identified the need for stakeholders to plan for ways to increase vaccination rates amongst communities.

“This is also supporting the Local Emergency Management Committee’s response to the Delta outbreak, and we are looking to support the initiatives and strategies identified where possible.”

“It’s pleasing that we’ve been able to partner with local providers to offer this service.”

Council is now continuing to work with other private providers to establish a pop-up site in Moulamein, Tooleybuc and Murray Downs, he said.

Pop-up sites will be available in the coming weeks at:


Monday 20 September

9am-4pm at Mathoura Visitor and Business Centre 


Tuesday 21 September

9.30am-3.30pm at the Wakool Hall

The Vaccination pop-up sites will offer AstraZeneca only and be run by Moama Pharmacy.

Attendees can expect to see the Pharmacy Assistant for pre-screening questions and then see the vaccine administrator for their vaccine.

Bookings can be made through Murray River Council by calling 1300 087 004. Bookings will be per the next available appointment time.

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