Nominations for The City of Melton Community Achievement Awards are now open, including the award for the Citizen of the Year.
Council says the the Citizen of the Year Award recognises ongoing community leadership and involvement – the 2022 winner was Murray Lewis (pictured).
“An active member of the RSL for more than 40 years, Murray was also the co-founder of the Caroline Springs RSL Sub-Branch,” Council said in a statement
“His decades of service have helped hundreds of veterans and their families receive both support and recognition for their sacrifice.”
Mr Lewis is also a pensions advocate for Veterans at Melton Vietnam Veterans Centre, initiated proceedings for the first memorial at Caroline Springs, is caretaker of the memorial walk in Aintree, and a key support person for the Burnside Village War Widows Group, the Council said.
Could someone you know be the next Citizen of the Year? Nominate them now: Applications close on 31 July.