Friday, March 7, 2025

Have your say on hospital expansion

The ACT Government, in partnership with contractor Multiplex, is hosting a series of face to face and virtual events for the Canberra community to have their say on the new detailed designs for the Canberra Hospital Expansion.

At these events, the ACT Government and Multiplex will discuss and take feedback on the initial draft plans and early design concepts for the new emergency, surgical and critical care facility.

As part of the Canberra Hospital Expansion’s pre-development application, a range of documents were released in December, including details on plans for a more connected campus with new entry plazas and green spaces, early design concepts of the building’s floorplans, a relocated helipad and the approach to achieve world class sustainability outcomes.

Minister for Health, Rachel Stephen-Smith encouraged the ACT community to attend the sessions.

“The Canberra Hospital Expansion will be the city’s main acute hospital providing emergency healthcare for residents of the ACT and surrounding region for years to come, so we really want to hear what Canberrans think about the facilities they will be using,” she said.

“Face to face and virtual sessions will offer Canberrans a range of ways to provide their feedback and will give people the chance to ask questions and have a two way conversation with the Major Projects Canberra and Multiplex team about the design.

“We particularly want community input on some of the non-clinical spaces that will be used by the public when visiting the hospital, including green spaces, drop off locations and retail options.

“I look forward to hearing the feedback from the community and design team over the next few weeks.”

Face to face events will be held on:

  • 3pm to 7pm, Tuesday 2 February
  • 9am to 12pm Saturday 6 February

A virtual event will also be held:

  • 12pm to 1pm on Thursday 4 February

For all events to comply with COVID-19 restrictions, attendees must register. To register for these events, or view a schedule of community pop up stalls at shopping centres across Canberra, visit yoursay.act.gov.au/hospitalexpansion.

Community feedback will help inform the formal development application for the delivery of the new emergency, surgical and critical healthcare building, due for lodgement in March 2021.

Canberrans are also reminded that there is still time to view the pre-development application plans and submit feedback online. More information is available at hospitalexpansion.act.gov.au and submissions can be made at YourSay until Wednesday, 24th February.

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