Sunday, February 16, 2025

Funding to protect SA heritage significant sites

Twenty-one state heritage-listed properties will share in $250,000 of grant funding to help conserve the significant sites under the third round of the SA Heritage Grants Program.

Sites to be awarded funding this round include churches, hotels, wineries and a railway station with grants ranging from $2,000 to $20,000.

Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs said the Heritage Grants were aimed at helping rejuvenate the state’s built heritage, ensuring it is protected and preserved for future generations.

He said the $750,000 provided in the first three rounds of funding through the program, as well as separate investment in State Government owned sites, has unlocked around $8.9 million work of conservation work and economic activity.

“There has been significant interest in our Heritage Grants program with more than 230 applications across the first three rounds and I am delighted to announce the latest 21 projects to receive funding,” Minister Speirs said.

“These grants are helping conserve and revitalise State Heritage-listed places and areas across the state unlocking just under $9 million of work and economic activity.

“A diverse range projects have received funding in this most recent round including churches, hotels and wineries both in the metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia.

“These projects will not only protect and preserve our state’s built heritage but it will help better activate some of these sites which is a key part of our recently releases Heritage Tourism Strategy.

“The successful Round 3 projects were selected by a panel of heritage architects and experts based on a set of criteria. I encourage all State Heritage property owners to look at how the program can help them undertake conservation work, which is important to the preservation of our state’s history.

“Heritage was an afterthought under the former Labor Government and the Marshall Liberal Government has rightfully reprioritised this important area with our SA Heritage Grants program.”

Under the program, up to $5,000 is available for simple projects, $10,000 for complex projects and $20,000 for major projects.

Heritage grants will cover up to 50% of the anticipated costs of conservation works or documentation, with the recipient responsible for matching funding dollar for dollar. In some cases, in-kind labour and materials may be recognised as part of the matching contribution.

Conservation projects that benefit the public realm, activate under-used places, support specialised heritage training, and/or facilitate heritage tourism may get special consideration, the Minister said.

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