Monday, February 17, 2025

$5.4m grant for new WA veterans’ hub

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Matt Keogh has today announced a $5.4 million grant for a new Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Rockingham will be provided to RSL WA.

The Minister said RSL WA will lead the establishment of the new Rockingham Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in consortium with a number of ex-service, first responder and health-focused organisations.

“RSL WA has a long history of supporting veterans and families in Perth through ANZAC House. Working alongside specialist ex-service, community and medical organisations will further enhance the services and supports available to the veteran community here in WA,” he said.

“Each veteran community around the country is different so it’s essential we’re developing Hubs that provide targeted support, not taking a cookie-cutter approach.

“The consultation undertaken with the local community in the development of the business case and the collaboration that’s gone into establishing this Rockingham Veterans’ and Families’ Hub consortium gives me confidence they’ll be able to deliver a Hub, with spokes, that fits the needs of the local community.” 

Home to the largest Naval base in the country – HMAS Stirling – and more than 8,000 veterans and their families living locally, the development of a Hub is set to enable the veteran community better access to the services and supports they need, close to home.

The multipurpose Hub, to be established in Rockingham, will have a network of five spokes inclusive of RSL Sub Branches, the Marilla Community Centre in Rockingham, the Veteran Transition Centre in Jarrahdale, the Australian Special Air Services Association of WA Mental Health Centre near the SASR’s Barracks in Swanbourne, and a new Eco Cabin development in Point Peron.

The central multipurpose Hub will be modelled on the existing ANZAC House Hub in Perth’s CBD. Headquartered with RediMed in Rockingham, this will provide access to professional medical services, case coordination and community connection. 

This “hub and spoke” model will provide the opportunity for enhanced community activities and services, mental health support, accommodation and respite.

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