As part of this year’s Seniors Festival starting in April, Lithgow City Council and Lithgow Red Cross will be delivering a Get Ready Seniors talk on emergency preparedness for older community members.
The Lithgow Local Government Association says the event aims to help Seniors make informed choices about preparing and planning for emergencies.
“Our resilience to these events requires everyone working together to plan, be better prepared and quick to respond,’ Community Recovery Officer, Rachel Nicoll said.
“This event will help our senior community members to be ready in an emergency event and help to build strategies to stay safe during extreme weather and natural disasters.”
The free Get Ready Seniors event will be held on April 14 at the Lithgow Workies Club from 10.00am-11.00am. Morning tea will be provided and participants will receive basic items to prepare their own individual emergency kits.
As places are limited bookings are essential. For more information or to book your place please phone or send a text to 0419 100 085.
This event is being delivered by the NSW State Government through Resilience NSW as part of the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund.