Saturday, February 8, 2025

Launceston park to come alive with sound of music

Launceston’s favourite free community concert series is back for summer with Music in the Park returning to City Park from this Sunday.

Grab a picnic blanket and some snacks and head on down to one of Australia’s top-rated parks to enjoy free music and entertainment from a diverse range of top local musicians and musical ensembles.

Now in its 12th year, the City of Launceston’s Music in the Park concert series will be held in the City Par rotunda over six Sundays this January and February, from 12.30pm to 2.30pm.

City of Launceston Mayor, Matthew Garwood said this year’s concert series was expected to be as popular as ever.

“It’s the winning combination of an idyllic location, incredible weather, and a fantastic line-up of musicians whose performances will be enjoyed by concert-goers of all ages,” Mayor Garwood said.

“Music in the Park has always been one of my absolute favourite community events, and what I and many others love is the opportunity to come together as a community and enjoy the performances as well as each other and what we mean and represent as the people of Launceston.”

One of the ever-popular performers in past years who’ll be returning to the rotunda stage for the 10th time this year is Tassie Tenor Joe DiSario.

“What makes Music in the Park so special and what I love about it is the atmosphere and the sense of occasion — there’s just such a fantastic vibe,” Mr DiSario said.

“People come along with a picnic and it’s so festive.”

Mr DiSario said he was thrilled by the wonderful support from thousands of loyal fans who attended his performance every year.

“And it’s the same at every one of the Sunday events — that’s why all of us who get to perform enjoy Music in the Park so much; so many people come out and have a great time and it’s so great to see and be part of it,” he said.

As well as the great music, parents and kids will be thrilled to hear the iconic City Park train will providing free train rides at each Music in the Park event.

The City of Launceston’s 2024 Music in the Park concert series will be held in the City Park Band Rotunda between 12.30pm and 2.30pm on the following dates:

  • Sunday 07 January 2024: Evan Carydakis The Cherry Pops Tour
  • Sunday 14 January 2024: St Andrews Caledonian Pipe Band and West Tamar Municipal Brass Band
    with Highland Dancers
  • Sunday 21 January 2024: The Tassie Tenor
  • Sunday 28 January 2024: BeatStreet Trio
  • Sunday 11 February 2024: St Joes Big Band
  • Sunday 25 February 2024: Launceston City Band Inc.
    Please note Music in the Park will not be held on February 4 due to Festivale or February 18.

More event details are available at this link: https://www.launceston.tas.gov.au/Events-Calendar/Music-in-the-Park-2024

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