Friday, May 3, 2024

Queensland’s largest Sunday roast

By Lisa Hodgkinson, Seniors Month Coordinator, COTA Queensland.

If you think about the activities that social connects a community, food is often at the top of the list.

The wonderful thing about food is that it has the ability to surpass physical and language barriers, allowing us to share our stories of life, culture, and creativity.

Felling socially connected not only contributes to our sense of belonging but our overall health and wellbeing.

Did you know that 1 in 3 seniors have reported feeling lonely?

Or that 1 in 3 seniors live alone and are at increased risk for social isolation and/or loneliness?

That’s a lot of people who may be feeling lonely and/or socially disconnected, and we want to change that.

If you ask any who knows me, they will tell you I don’t do anything by haves.

On Sunday 16 October we are calling for Queenslanders of all ages to come together, raise a fork and connect over a meal with another, creating Queensland’s Largest Roast.

Imagine gathering Queensland households near and far with people of all ages to sit down to a big meal reconnecting after a long week.

Best of all you can host your Sunday Roast any way you like. 
You could:
– Share a meal at home with family and friends,
– Go to your local park with your community, or
– Enjoy a meal together at a participating restaurant.

The only way for us to know how big our Sunday Roast was is for you to let us know if you’ll be hosting a dinner and how many diners you’re expecting.

Please let us know if you’ll be raising a fork by registering your details at LargestRoast.au
Together we can combat social isolation and loneliness, one fork at a time.

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