Saturday, July 27, 2024

WA Police roll out new breath testing technology

The Western Australian Police Force is set to roll out new roadside breath testing equipment.

Police Minister Michelle Roberts announced WA-based manufacturing company, Alcolizer Technology, had been chosen to deliver preliminary breath testing equipment for WA Police operations.

The $2.5 million contract will see 1,400 Alcolizer LE5 devices rolled out across the state.

“This is a terrific result for the company and WA Police,” said Minister Roberts.

“Particularly because it supports local businesses and local jobs.”

Ms Roberts said the new devices have enhanced technological features, including Bluetooth to allow live data downloads and GPS functionality to allow locations to be recorded for every breath test.

The Alcolizer LE5 is currently used by police forces in NSW, South Australia and the Northern Territory.

“This new technology has inbuilt features which will help assure the integrity of the random breath testing process and allow police to better analyse data and trends,” the Minister said.

The announcement follows the delivery of two new booze buses to the WA Police Force in July.

“On top of the two new Booze buses we recently delivered, the McGowan Government is ensuring our Police have the best and latest equipment they need to do their job and keep us safe on our roads.”

Random roadside breath testing had been introduced into WA in 1988 and had played a significant role in reducing death and serious injury on Western Australian roads.

Last year 1.6 million roadside breath tests were carried out by WA Police.

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