Police today continued to search for a 67-year-old man missing from Cairns since Saturday.
Robert Patterson (pictured) was last seen around 12.30pm in the vicinity of Portsmith. He was wearing a black and white, button-up checked shirt and dark coloured jeans.
“A land and air search commenced yesterday in bushland around the Portsmith area after an item of clothing, believed to be his, was found,” Queensland Police said in a statement today.
“Concerns are held for his welfare, due to a medical condition. He may appear confused and disorientated, if approached.”
The search continued today, with assistance from State Emergency Service volunteers and flood boats.
“Residents and business owners are asked to check their properties for any signs of Robert,” Police said.
He is described as Aboriginal, of a slim build, around 175cm tall with black curly hair.
Anyone with information on Robert’s whereabouts is encouraged to contact police.