Sunday, July 28, 2024

Police hunt for 73-year-old woman’s teenage attackers

Detectives investigating the assault and attempted robbery of a 73-year-old woman at Redcliffe on Saturday are appealing for witnesses.

Police say that at around 4.15pm, a group of teenagers approached the woman in an underground shopping centre carpark on the corner of Sutton St and Anzac Ave, Redcliffe, demanding her car keys.

“When she refused the woman was pushed to the ground and kicked, as the teens tried to steal her keys,” Queensland Police said in a statement.

“They fled on foot empty handed after a member of the public came to the woman’s aid.”

The woman was transported to hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

The teens are described as aged between 14 and 17, both boys and girls, with most wearing black jumpers and long pants or shorts.

Police are appealing for witnesses, who have not already spoken to officers, to contact them.

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