Sunday, July 28, 2024

Police arrest 58 in Townsville blitz

Queensland Police have arrested 68 people – 58 adults and 10 juveniles – in the first week of an operation cracking down on recidivist offenders across Townsville.

A combined total of 264 charges have been laid for a range of offences including car theft, burglary, drugs and wilful damage since Operation Sierra Silhouette launched last Saturday.

Extra officers from the State Flying Squad have joined local police as part of the operation, boosting the police presence across the district.

The operation is primarily targeting recidivist offenders and known hot spots, as well as delivering crime prevention and disruption strategies.

Chief Superintendent Craig Hanlon said early results of the police blitz were encouraging.

“Officers from all areas of the District are working tirelessly together along with the State Flying Squad to target high-level offenders who continue to put the safety of our community at risk,” Chief Supt Hanlon said.

“While it is early days into the operation, we are seeing pleasing results with a significant number of arrests and a slight reduction in property crime across the region.

“The community can expect to see extra police out and about across the weekend and over the school holidays as we continue a strong focus on the operation.”

Fast facts:
• 68 people arrested on 264 charges
• 1,397 Roadside Breath Tests (RBTs) conducted
• 52 Roadside Drug Tests (RDTs) conducted
• More than 100 officers involved in operation

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