Thursday, February 13, 2025

New operator found for Byron Bay aged care village

The NSW Government has identified St Andrew’s Village Ballina Ltd as the new preferred operator for the site of the Feros aged care village at Byron Bay.

Submissions have been assessed and discussions are now underway with the preferred proponent St Andrew’s Village Ballina Ltd to provide a long-term lease on the site.

“The identification of a strong and committed aged accommodation provider with local roots in the Byron region is fantastic news for the residents of the Feros village and for the local community,” said Minister for Lands and Property, Steve Kamper.

“Our first priority has always been the welfare and well-being of the residents. Discussions are underway to lock in a long-term lease with St Andrew’s to ensure we have a seamless transition to a new aged accommodation and care operator by the end of January.”

St Andrew’s is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation with significant industry experience and financial capabilities.

“St Andrew’s is delighted to be awarded this opportunity to take on the management of this facility,” said Chief Executive Officer of St Andrew’s, Todd Yourell.

“With the current residents being our primary focus, we look forward to meeting with them as soon as possible to consult and listen to them regarding the future of their home.”

It submitted a comprehensive proposal which reflected a good understanding of aged accommodation needs in the Byron area, and has committed to:

  • Deploy experienced staff to commence operations at the Byron site quickly and seamlessly;
  • Maintain the existing 40 residential aged care beds at the site;
  • Invest an initial amount of almost $3 million to refurbish facilities at the site, to provide comfortable and functional accommodation and ensure compliance with aged accommodation standards.

In February 2023, Feros Care announced its intention to close the Feros Care Village at Byron Bay.

In response to feedback from residents and the community, Crown Lands conducted an Expression of Interest (EOI)  process to invite potential operators of the Feros Village facility to be considered for a long-term lease on the Crown land reserve.

The (EOI) attracted a number of submissions from potential operators to provide aged care accommodation at the Marvell Street site.

“This is a massive community victory and together we’ve secured the long-term future for this important aged-care facility for our area. Thanks to everyone for all your great efforts,” said Federal Member for Richmond, Justine Elliot.

“After the devastating news that Feros Care would close Byron Bay’s Feros Village, State and Federal Labor Governments worked to find a new provider to keep the site open for residents.

“After months of work, we’ve secured St. Andrew’s, an established provider of aged care services, to run the current Feros Village site and continue to provide high-quality care. All residents will be able to remain on the site. I’m proud to be your strong voice in the Albanese Government delivering a long-term home for the residents of Feros.

“A big thank you also to the Byron Shire Council and our community for your work in helping us make this happen,” she said.

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