The news is music to the ears – and eyes – of library lovers across Moonee Valley.
Moonee Valley Libraries have abolished overdue fines for the late return of items – and an amnesty on outstanding fines has been introduced.
City of Moonee Valley Mayor, Pierce Tyson, said the move was designed to prevent the worry of overdue fines “getting between our community and their library”.
“We’ve abolished fines – whether they be from overdue books, magazines or DVDs,” Mayor Tyson said.
“These are a barrier to people getting the most out of our fantastic libraries, and research has shown that return rates are not impacted by the absence of fines.”
The Council says Moonee Valley Libraries has branches in Ascot Vale, Avondale Heights, Flemington, Niddrie and Moonee Ponds, all ready and waiting to embrace people with overdue items back into the fold – fine-free.

Instead of fines, people with an overdue item will now be sent a friendly reminder. However, the cost to replace any lost or damaged items would need to be covered by the borrower, the Mayor confirmed.
For anyone with overdue items stashed at home, now is the time to turn over a new leaf and return themselves – and their stash – to the library, said Mayor Tyson.
“It’s a new chapter for Moonee Valley Libraries. Return yourself to the library and enjoy being part of our fine-free service.”