Recognition – giving and receiving – is something we often overlook. Sometimes good deeds are taken for granted. Sometimes the local hero flies under the radar, away from the spotlight. A lot of the time, we innocently forget to just say thank you.
In under 15 minutes, you can freely thank a good Samaritan, a neighbour, a colleague or a local organisation.
It took just 15-minutes for the nomination to be completed for Mornington Peninsula Shire’s 2023 Citizen of the Year, Jack Van Der Zwart (pictured).
Now, Jack is immortalised in recognition of his tireless work caring for foster children and cooking for the homeless in Rosebud.
“Who inspires you to be better? Who has made a positive impact on your life this year? Put their name forward as a potential Citizen of the Year as part of our 2024 Australia Day Local Awards,” says Mornington Peninsula Shire Mayor Steve Holland.
“There are three excellent categories to select from, including Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Event of the Year.”
Just 15-minutes is all that was needed to complete the 2023 Community Event of the Year’s nomination, for Mornington Community Christmas Lunch.
It costs you nothing except 15-minutes to say thank you to someone or something that has left a mark.
Put your 2024 Australia Day Local Award nomination forward today. Nominations close Friday 17 November 2023. Nominate online by visiting:
Hard copy nomination forms are available at our Customer Support Centres and libraries. Alternatively, you can contact