Manningham City Mayor, Deirdre Diamante, last week officially opened Memory Place Café, the area’s first dementia-friendly café.
The proceeds from Council’s 2023 Mayoral Charity Gala – which raised over $51,000 – has supported the creation of Memory Place Café, which is based at MannaCare in Doncaster.
“I hope this is the first of many in Manningham and that we can continue to become a truly dementia-friendly city,” said Mayor Diamante.
“Like most cities, we have an ageing population and want to find ways to support those in our community living with dementia. We want to build an understanding, awareness and importantly acceptance of dementia in the community.
“We recognise that people living with dementia can still be active members of society and live their best lives.”
Mayor Diamante welcomed guests who joined her to celebrate the official opening at Memory Place Café. She reflected on her own experience with her mother, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and passed away last year.
“Although it saddens me that she is not here to be a part of this. I know she would have loved it. Mum loved to sing, and she had a beautiful voice. Music and song made her happy – right up to her last days. Cafés like this will bring activities, such as music, to people with dementia,” she said.
Based on the Dementia Australia model, Memory Place Café will offer a safe and welcoming spot for locals living with dementia, and their families and carers to visit.
Dementia Australia research highlights the prevalence and impact of social isolation on a person living with dementia, and their families and carers. Including how the anxiety and stigma experienced by people living with dementia can impact their daily lives.
The official opening of the café ended with the Mayor’s closing sentiments about her goals for the future.
“I have been honoured that as Mayor this year I have been able to advocate for the needs of people living with all types of dementia.”
“We are just at the beginning of our journey, and we will continue to work towards fostering a dementia-friendly community and an age-friendly city.
“We want to ensure we provide inclusive environments and opportunities for people to be and do what they value throughout their lives,” she said.
Memory Place Café will be open to the public from Thursday, November 9th. It is located at MannaCare’s Cassia House, 371 Manningham Road in Doncaster.
The café will open every second Thursday of each month between 10am to 12pm.