Friday, February 14, 2025

Call for Nambucca keyboard warriors

With COVID-19 restrictions eased, Nambucca Heads Library is again offering help to seniors who would like to become more tech savvy.

“We’ve had lots of people asking for this,” Senior Librarian, Wes McQuillan said.

“During the lockdown, technology was the only way we could communicate.”

But instead of running a course as they have in the past, they library is planning weekly drop-in sessions with a technology teacher from TAFE NSW.

Mr McQuillan said the change in format was in response to feedback from previous course participants.

“They told us they just had certain things they wanted to know, and they weren’t as interested in other aspects of the course,” he said.

For example, one person might just want to learn about emails while another might want to know how to post photos on social media or how to book a trip online.

So, for five weeks starting on Thursday November 12, an expert tech teacher will be waiting at the library on Thursdays to answer individual queries from 10am to 11am.

They’re happy to help people of any age (you don’t have to be a senior) and you can bring your own device (laptop, tablet or phone) or use one of the library’s six Android tablets.

The sessions are free and if you would like to reserve a spot you can phone the library on 6568 6906 or Wes McQuillan on 6568 4529.

The library is located at 23 Ridge St, Nambucca Heads.

This article first appeared in Guardian News.

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