Anyone in Yorkeys Knob, Holloways Beach, Machans Beach and Caravonica needing assistance to clean-up their property following Tropical Cyclone Jasper can register to get help from the Cairns Clean Up Crew, Cairns Regional Council has announced.
The Council says the volunteer Cairns Clean Up Crew, similar to the Mud Army, will focus on helping people move rubbish – anything that will fit in a wheelbarrow – and set it on the kerb for later collection and generally clean-up around properties.
The clean-up crews will not rip out carpets, remove heavy items or hose down properties. Property ‘wash outs’ are being conducted by the SES and Rural Fire Service. To organise a property ‘wash out’ call the SES on 13 25 00, said Mayor Terry James.
He said the Clean Up Crew would be invaluable in the initial recovery period, to help people with the hard yakka of getting their properties cleaned up.
“The Cairns community is incredibly generous, and incredibly resilient,” Cr James said.
“We’ve had hundreds of offers of assistance already, and the Clean Up Crew is one way that we can connect people who want to help, with those who need it most.
“The Clean Up Crew will be on the ground on Thursday and will initially work through to Christmas Eve, when we will reassess.
“We will endeavour to get to as many requests as we can, but please be patient as we work our way through the impacted suburbs.”
If you need help from the Cairns Clean Up Crew, call the Cairns Disaster Centre on 1300 396 102 to register for assistance.
If you would like to join the Cairns Clean Up Crew as a volunteer, register with Volunteering Queensland.