Sunday, January 26, 2025

Be a tech savvy Senior with MidCoast workshops

MidCoast Council Libraries are once again delivering a series of ‘Tech Savvy Seniors’ workshops in partnership with the NSW Government, Telstra and the State Library of NSW, for seniors wanting to become more technologically minded.

Technology moves at an alarming pace and it can be easy to fall behind. These workshops are about teaching seniors the basics of navigating their devices, from smartphones and tablets  through to laptops, participants just need to take their own device along to the session.

Sessions will run through June and July and are free of charge.

“Technology is a part of everything we do now and in many ways it can make life easier so it’s important that everyone is able to comfortably learn to take advantage of the technology available to them,” said Chris Jones, Manager of Libraries and Community Services for MidCoast Council.

Some of the topics that will be covered include making and receiving calls, adding or accessing contacts or apps, sending texts, emails, messages or photos and accessing the internet.

“These sessions are a great opportunity to ask questions and just discover little tips and hints on how to make your technology work for you, in the simplest way” added Chris.

Bookings are essential for the workshops.

A full list of the sessions, locations and dates, as well as how to make your booking, can be found on the Libraries website www.midcoastlibraries.com.au or by calling in to your local library.

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