Saturday, February 8, 2025

Barossa acknowledgement of country motion silenced

Barossa Council says an “overwhelming silence” in the Council chamber after a Councillor’s proposal to discontinue the acknowledgement of country has spoken volumes.

The Councillor’s proposal sought to instruct the Mayor to stop acknowledging the region’s past at meetings and formal events, the Council said in a statement today.

“Concerned the matter was brought to the media’s attention before Council was given any opportunity for debate, Mayor Bim Lange said he had nothing but praise for the Chamber’s response which “spoke volumes in its silence” at Tuesday’s meeting, the Council said.

“Whilst I was disappointed with the proposal in the first place, the 10 Councillors who refused to second the proposed motion, spoke loud and clear,” said Mayor Lange (pictured).

“We will continue to thank our First Nations and I will lead an inclusive and respectful Chamber on behalf of our community.

“I also recognise those who have alternative viewpoints, with the main theme regarding the over-use of the acknowledgement of country.

“I take that feedback on board and will ensure it is used appropriately.”

He said the Council had always been mindful of using the acknowledgement “sparingly”.

“It’s said once each month at Council’s formal meeting and at a few annual and ad-hoc formal events. It’s a 30 second to one minute investment in saying thank you.

“Well prior to this proposal being placed before Council, I was already working on the wording of a broader acknowledgement, and I used it for the first time at Council last night.

“My new acknowledgement honours all those who have built our Barossa, state, and country,” he said.

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