The ACT Government’s 2020-21 Seniors Grant Program and 2020-21 Veterans Grant Program have opened for applications of up to $10,000.
Minister for Seniors and Veterans, Gordon Ramsay said the Seniors Grant Program welcomed applications that outline innovative ideas for projects, activities and initiatives that support Canberra seniors to actively participate in community life.
Similarly, the Veterans Grant Program aims to promote veteran wellbeing and engagement of veterans and their families in our community.
“I’m pleased the Government is able to support our older Canberrans and Veterans through a range of diverse community initiatives that encourage participation and social inclusion,” Minister Ramsay said.
He said both grant programs were also seeking applications for programs that encourage activities in local outdoor community spaces to support active, healthy living and reduce social isolation for older Canberrans and veterans.
“These grants will assist organisations to deliver meaningful programs and will support older Caneberrans, veterans, their families and our community,” said Mr Ramsay.
The following community groups were awarded grants from the previous round:
2019-20 Seniors Grant Program (Second Round)
- ACT Table Tennis Association
- Hawker Men’s Shed
- Duntroon Community Centre
- YWCA Canberra
- ArtSound Incorporated
- Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centres
2019-20 Veterans Grant Program (Second Round)
- Lifeline Canberra Inc
- The Legacy Club of Canberra Incorporated
- South Canberra Veterans Shed Incorporated
- Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club Inc (Federal Chapter)
- Soldier On
- Rowing ACT Association Inc
- The Legacy Club of Canberra Incorporated
- The Cuppacumbalong Foundation Limited
- Woden Valley RSL Sub-Branch Inc
Applications for the 2020-21 Seniors Grant Program and 2020-21 Veterans Grant Program will close at 5pm on Friday 30 October. In this grant round, $70,000 (GST exclusive) is available to each of the two programs.
To apply, visit