Friday, February 7, 2025

Participants needed to test back exercise app


The University of Sydney is conducting a research study about the ‘My Back Exercise App’, a mobile health application developed for people with chronic low back pain.

The purpose of this research is to test whether the ‘My Back Exercise App’ can help people with chronic low back pain to improve their physical function, as well as reduce their pain intensity and improve their quality of life. Taking part in this study is voluntary.

“We are seeking people aged 18 years or over who report an episode of back pain of at least 12 weeks duration, have a smartphone or tablet with a Network connection to download the app, have independent mobility and eyesight to use the app, and have a sufficient understanding of English,” the University said in a statement.

Taking part in the study will involve downloading and installing the ‘My Back Exercise’ App
on your mobile phone or tablet and utilising it for six weeks; completing online forms and
questionnaires about you and your health in four timepoints across one year after the

Please, contact Anelise Moreti Cabral Silveira, PhD student, Faculty of Medicine and Health,
(email: amor0266@uni.sydney.edu.au) or the research team (phone number: 02 9351 9782; email: mybackexerciseapp.study@sydney.edu.au) if you would like further information about this study.

If you would like to participate in this study, please click this link or scan the QR Code above.

This study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of The
University of Sydney (HREC Approval No. 2023/HE000772).

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