Monday, February 10, 2025

Tracking device trial for domestic violence offenders

A Tasmanian trial of tracking devices for domestic violence offenders has delivered real results, according to the state’s Minister for Police.

Minister Mark Shelton said the two-year trial had provided extra safety and comfort to victims of domestic violence.

“The devices tracked 52 offenders’ movements to ensure they did not enter certain areas where the victim resided or worked,” Minister Shelton said.

“Victims could also be provided with a small portable device to prompt early police intervention where there was potential for a breach of a Family Violence Order.”

He said the preliminary results of the trial, which commenced in 2018, showed a 70% reduction of assaults, 80% reduction of threats, 89% decrease in allegations of emotional abuse, and 100% decrease in reports of stalking.

The trial also showed a 7% reduction in family violence incidents across the State and an 82% decrease in high-risk family violence incidents.

“In addition to providing victims an extra level of comfort, the electronic monitoring also provides evidence in court and in some cases, prevents victims from having to attend court to give evidence,” said Mr Shelton.

“The whole-of-government project has been delivered with input and support from the Department of Justice, Tasmania Police, and Communities Tasmania as part of the Government’s Safe Homes, Families, Communities action plan for family and sexual violence 2019- 2022.”

The Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES) is now undertaking an independent review of the trial, with a final evaluation report due later this year.

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