Saturday, February 8, 2025

Queen’s Wharf precinct to be luxury shopping mecca

Deputy Premier Steven Miles says the $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane will be the “envy of the nation” with confirmation today it will become a world-class luxury shopping precinct.

Destination Brisbane Consortium (DBC) today announced it had secured a deal with retail giant DFS, which boasts a portfolio of 750 of the world’s most sought-after brands.

The Deputy Premier visited the site this morning.

“The $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development is supporting thousands of construction jobs,” Mr Miles said.

“This is another milestone in the world-class development that will transform Brisbane’s CBD, boost tourism and create thousands more jobs when complete.

“The development will feature 50 bars, cafes and restaurants, a casino, four world-class hotels, up to 2,000 residential apartments, the Sky Deck, moonlight cinema, the Neville Bonner Bridge and now around 6,000m2 of luxury retail floorspace.”

He said the historic Printery Building on George Street would transform to deliver a shopping haven with more than 100 prestigious brands.

“Where other parts of the world have slowed these types of projects, construction has continued on Queen’s Wharf throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” Mr Miles said.

Treasurer and Minister for Investment, Cameron Dick said the deal was a significant milestone for DBC in the development of its integrated resort development.

“The presence of a retail name like DFS will enhance Brisbane’s allure for international and national luxury-brand shoppers,” the Treasurer said.

“The big names of New York, Paris and Milan will be available right here, which is a great win for Queensland.

“In a post-COVID world, this resort and casino will be a drawcard for an estimated an additional 1.4 million international, interstate and local annual visitors.”

“Once Queens Wharf is up and running, it will provide jobs for more than 8,000 Queenslanders at one of Australia’s most sought-after destinations.

“The construction workers on this massive project also deserve congratulations for their ability to keep the project going right through the impacts of COVID.”

Member for McConnel, Grace Grace said she was looking forward to the staged opening from late-2022.

“This retail precinct will add a layer of luxury to our CBD,” Minister Grace said.

“It will mean international and national luxury-brand shoppers will be heading to Brisbane and taking advantage of all our wonderful city has to offer.

“What’s more, the retail and hospitality jobs that go with this development will boost employment opportunities for locals.”

The Star Entertainment Group’s CEO, Matt Bekier said the ground-breaking deal would further underpin Queen’s Wharf as Australia’s future international tourism and leisure hotspot.

“The hallmark of a world-class integrated resort is its diversity and quality of offerings,” eh said.

“Queen’s Wharf will have a rich collection of attractions – including the DFS luxury retail precinct – to keep locals, interstate and international visitors coming back time and time again.” 

In total, DFS will create around 6,000m2 of luxury retail floorspace – part of nearly 40,000m2 of retail, food and beverage and entertainment floorspace to be delivered across the Queen’s Wharf precinct.

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