Sunday, January 26, 2025

Liverpool hamper delivery doubles during lockdown

Sydney’s Liverpool City Council is coordinating the widespread distribution of hampers across the local government area in response to an increased need for food and emergency relief during extended COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.

Council says the number of hampers delivered to charities, community organisations and residents within the Liverpool community has skyrocketed to meet an increased demand – from the initial 600 a week to 1,100 hampers this week.

Mayor of Liverpool, Wendy Waller acknowledged the Liverpool community, as a collective, were doing it tough during this lockdown period.

“Our residents and local businesses continue to face some of the tightest COVID-19 restrictions within Greater Sydney, which is impacting the ability of many to put food on the table,” she said.

“This is what we’re hearing anecdotally from our local agency partners who are at the coalface of what is turning into a food security crisis.”

To ensure the support reaches the heavily impacted areas in the Local Government Area, Council is working closely with Resilience NSW, OzHarvest Australia, NSW Police, a 14-strong network of local charities and agencies and a large group of families who have contacted Council directly for support.

The hampers are comprised of snacks, tinned food, fruits, vegetables and cereal and are delivered by NSW Police and Australian Defence Force personnel in line with COVID-19 health guidelines.

“We are proud to be on the frontline with these wonderful partners doing our bit to bring welcome relief during what is perhaps one of the most challenging times in people’s lives,” Mayor Waller said.

Mayor Waller acknowledged that the hamper distribution efforts would also have a beneficial impact on the mental health and wellbeing of residents.

“We hope that residents have one less thing to worry knowing they can receive the food support they need simply by picking up the phone. If you need support, head to Council’s website for a list of organisations that can help.”

Mayor Waller also added that if you or someone you know needs support with mental health and wellbeing, there are many services providing professional help 24 hours, seven days a week including:

  • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
  • Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800

For more information on the food and emergency relief support services available head to Council’s website: https://www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/council/coronavirus

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