To ensure residents have access to library resources during the latest COVID-19 lockdown, Hawkesbury Library Service has resumed housebound delivery services for senior residents.
Council says some of its most vulnerable residents have been left cut off from their normal support network of family, friends or caregivers due to the pandemic.
“The free delivery service was originally offered to existing housebound members, identified as having a disability or chronic illness and unable to access the Library’s e-resources or those isolated and particularly vulnerable,” it said in a statement.
“The service has now been extended to residents, living alone in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area, aged 65 years or older, to ensure our most vulnerable community members have access to the Library’s resources.”
Participants will be provided with a selection of items delivered to their door by Library staff while restrictions are in place. Staff will contact each patron before visiting to determine that they are safe and well, and that material will be delivered without contact.
“If you, or someone you know has become isolated and/or vulnerable because of lockdown and would benefit from this service, please contact the Library to check eligibility and find out how to participate,” Council said.
You can call 4560 4462 or email for more information.
Library members can also access Library eResources including eBooks, Audiobooks, eMagazines and video streaming via Council’s website. It is also possible to join the Library during lockdown to access eResources and other online resources. Visit for more information.