Friday, February 14, 2025

Donate your dough for children’s hospital

Hawkesbury Police Area Command is calling on the community – they’re in ‘knead’ of your play dough to help patients at the local children’s hospital.

The kind officers at the command have been collecting donations of play dough to ensure the young patients at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead have enough of the modelling clay.

The product is used by the physiotherapy teams to assist with muscle recovery, coordination building and other treatments to assist the recovery of young patients from illness or surgery.

To eliminate the risk of infections, particularly during the COVID19 pandemic, for the patients, the play dough is discarded after each use.

Hawkesbury Police Area Command’s Detective Chief Inspector Garry Sims said there was a high demand for play dough.

“Last year, our command, with the support of the community, managed to provide enough play dough to last the hospital for a whole year,” Insp Sims said.

“This meant that the hospital could divert the money needed to other areas which was a significant benefit to the staff and patients.

“This year, we hope to continue this tradition and ensure there is more than enough play dough to see the hospital through another year.”

Insp Sims said officers set up outdoor donation drop-off sites throughout the Hawkesbury to ensure that, while they received donations, everyone could follow social distancing guidelines.

“We’re also collecting any donations from Windsor Police Station for those who are interested in helping us provide for the children at the hospital,” Insp Sims said.

“We’re not going to let a pandemic stop us from making sure the children at the hospital can have their fun with the modelling clay.”^

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