‘Superhero’ staff at Bethanie Fields Aged Care Home in Eaton, Western Australia.
#ThanksforCaring is the theme of Aged Care Employee Day 2020 (ACED 2020), with the call going out to every community across the nation to thank aged care workers and volunteers on Friday 7 August.
Leading Age Services Australia’s (LASA) CEO, Sean Rooney said ACED 2020 would also include an online event to honour the winners of LASA’s Excellence in Age Services Awards in each State and Territory.
“On this day we celebrate the pinnacle of caring that we see each and every day,” said Leading Age Services Australia said Mr Rooney.
“Despite some sad losses and testing times, there is no doubt the commitment of our nation’s tireless aged care staff has helped save many lives this year.
“Some may be called superheroes, some are quiet achievers, but everyone in our industry contributes to care.
“We salute them because they all play vital roles – from nurses, personal care workers and allied health professionals, to chefs, cleaners, gardeners, managers and volunteers.”
He said ACED 2020 was an opportunity to honour the more than 365,000 passionate and professional individuals, who dedicate their careers to caring for and supporting around 1.3 million older Australians.
“Our elders are our most vulnerable, particularly during this time,” Mr Rooney said.
“It is our workers’ dedication and consideration, in what are sometimes challenging but also very rewarding roles, that makes a huge difference in their lives.”
To celebrate aged care workers, the ACED 2020 website has:
• Information and ideas on local celebrations;
• Posters and resources;
• ‘Thanks for caring’ badges for order;
• A guide to video and social media production;
• Links to celebrate our aged care superheroes.
“On the 7th of August and in the lead up, we’re urging everyone across the nation to reach out to the people they know who work in aged care and say ‘thanks for caring’,” said Mr Rooney.
“Thank you for a job well done, thank you for the role you play, thank you for your consideration and compassion.”
Aged Care Employee Day is an official day, registered with awarenessdays.com and is proudly led and co-ordinated by LASA.
You can find out more at the ACED 2020 website is at http://www.agedcareday.com.au