Thursday, February 13, 2025

ACT Seniors Week renamed to reflect ‘new age’ of ageing

ACT Seniors Week has been renamed the ‘Silver is Gold Festival’ in an effort to encourage greater community connection with older people and positively reflect a ‘new age’ of ageing.

Council on the Ageing ACT (COTAACT) announced the new name this week.

“There are two very important messages for everyone living in Canberra regarding our new brand,” said COTA ACT CEO, Jenny Mobbs.

“The first is connection. We are keen to see the whole community take responsibility in reaching out and building a co-operative spirit, particularly with our older folk.

“The second is re-imagining ageing. Many people in our society have a negative opinion of older people, ageing and the aged. We are all living longer, seniors are active and they contribute hugely to society, be this through volunteering, looking after grandchildren or being in the work force.

“It’s time for everyone to re-imagine older people and ageing. Contributing to a community that welcomes and nurtures our seniors is a far better place for everyone to live.”

The upcoming events for the Silver is Gold Festival are:

April 28: The Silver is Gold Festival launch, Community Art and Photographic Exhibition Openingat the Legislative Assembly

April 29: Chief Minister’s Concert at the Canberra Theatre Centre 

September 14: The Silver is Gold Seniors Awards

September 16: Silver is Gold Expo

October 31: Silver is Gold Grandparents’ Day

“COTA ACT invites all seniors to save the dates for Silver is Gold and take this opportunity to spark a connection and re-imagine ageing,” Ms Mobbs said.

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