Sunday, May 5, 2024

Free coffee in the mix for ageing support volunteers drop-in

Searching for the right volunteering opportunity can be a long process, but NSW MidCoast Assist is offering a unique ‘try before you buy in’ opportunity to help volunteers find the right fit for them.

MidCoast Assist, an ageing support service of MidCoast Council, is hosting coffee mornings at cafes across the region, and says anyone who would like to drop in and chat with current volunteers is welcome to come along – with a free coffee thrown in.

MidCoast Assist team leader – Active and Older Program, Christine Ellis.

“We want to provide a friendly, relaxed atmosphere where people who want to make a difference by assisting older residents in their town can come along, chat with us and learn more about volunteering with us,” said MidCoast Assist’s Team Leader – Active and Older Program, Christine Ellis (pictured, right).

The MidCoast region attracts new retirees each year, and they’re responsible for the region boasting one of the highest volunteering rates in NSW, she said.

“There’s many different volunteering opportunities, and cutting through the swathe to find one that’s right for you can be a big task.”

Ms Ellis said one of the best ways to find out if a volunteering opportunity was right for you, is to talk to the people who already volunteer there.

“We decided that meeting in a local coffee shop is a great way to get together for an informal, no-obligation chat about what we do and how our volunteers assist us,” she said.

“And the real experts are our current fabulous team of volunteers – they’re the ones who can tell you exactly what to expect.”

Volunteers at MidCoast Assist providing practical assistance with things like outings and social events, transport, shopping, technology, sharing hobbies and companionship.

“We are committed to providing quality services, and provide all our volunteers with training and regular support.”

Whether it’s one day a week, one day a month, or a couple of hours a fortnight, your valuable time and friendly face will be very welcome.

You can find out more over a coffee and a chat with our friendly volunteers at:

Crepe Myrtle Cafe in Stroud on Tuesday 18 May
Cafe on Main in Bulahdelah Thursday 20 May
Kembali Café at Blueys Beach on Friday 21 May
The Common Coffee Shop in Gloucester  on Monday 24 May and
Tea Gardens Boat Shed, on Thursday 27 May.

There are plans to hold more coffee mornings in other areas later this year.

To find out more and book in to meet our friendly volunteers at one of these locations, please visit www.midcoastassist.com.au/volunteering or call 1300 65 8830.

“We’re looking forward to meeting you over a friendly cuppa,” said Ms Ellis.

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