In 2019, siblings Donna Sly and Cliff Hart were searching for alternative plant-based products that could assist their Mum with her acquired brain injury which she suffered after surviving a cardiac arrest at age 51.
Donna and Cliff stumbled upon Australian grown 100% Pure Ingestible Hemp Seed Oil, packed with Omegas 3,6 and 9 which produced very positive outcomes toward their mother, Judy’s ongoing health and wellbeing.
The evidence has been so convincing that Donna and Cliff opened a small kitchen in Brisbane, named it Hemp Shack, and began to manufacture amazing hemp seed oil product formulations.
Hemp seed oil is known worldwide for improving heart health, soothing arthritic strains, fighting inflammation, dementia and mental health support, reducing weight and waist size, decreasing liver fat, supporting infant brain development, promoting bone health and preventing asthma.
Hemp Shack began by selling one product – 100% Pure Hemp Seed Oil – which created a surprising amount of interest whilst the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing and in less than 18 months, Donna and Cliff now have more than 20 popular products ranging from oils, creams, night serums, capsules and pet products.
The company supplies 502 independent wholesalers and over 50 retail stores, with another 3,000 stores rolling out now. Hemp Shack products are grown under very strict conditions in a certified organic, high tech processing facility which is accredited by food certification authorities.
Product testing is carried out by Australian approved Laboratories that meet the strict BICON Australian standards. Hemp Shack offer the very best quality products and have put together a special Seniors’ pack that offers an affordable and natural alternative to relieve pain and discomfort caused by arthritis and offer some protective benefits for the heart and brain.
The Seniors Active pack has three products including Hemp Seed Oil soft gel capsules, Magnesium Spray 125ml as well as the very popular Hemp-A-Rub. As part of the special Seniors offer, you can buy all three products together for just $54.95 – that is a saving of almost $25.00
Visit to order.
Disclaimer *Any medical information is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. For medical advice see your medical practitioner.