Monday, February 17, 2025

Shoalhaven park named after tireless community worker

Shoalhaven City Council’s new Elsie Young Playground at Old Erowal Bay was officially opened on Saturday by Shoalhaven Mayor Amanda Findley.  

Mayor Findley said she hopes the new equipment will better meet the needs and desires of the community and will encourage families to spend longer periods enjoying the outdoors all year round. 

“Old Erowal Bay is a growth area, located close to Jervis Bay’s white sand beaches and scenic Booderee National Park,” said Mayor Findley. 

“Providing fun play experiences for children is important. We have 128 playgrounds across our beautiful region and all playgrounds are designed to safely meet Australian Standards.”

Funded by Shoalhaven City Council, the $100,000 cost to install the new playground came from Council’s Playground Replacement Fund.  

Prior to replacing the playground, Council consulted with members of the Old Erowal Bay community to ensure the new playground facilities meet the current and future needs of the community. 

The community have advocated for increased social infrastructure in the area. Items on the wishlist for the reserve include public toilets, increased seating, BBQ and a water tap. 

The Old Erowal Bay Progress Association, nominated the name ‘Elsie M. Young Memorial Park’ for the reserve in The Coronado, Old Erowal Bay in 1980.  

Elsie Marion Young worked hard for her community, raising funds for the Bushfire Brigade. She was a founding member of Huskisson RSL and was the main instigator in getting the Ambulance station and service for the Huskisson area and surrounding districts. With her family, she started the first deliveries of bread, meat and milk in Old Erowal Bay. 

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