Sunday, February 9, 2025

Penrith residents asked for flood plan feedback

Penrith City Council is preparing new flood studies for the Blackwell Creek, and Upper Byrne Creek catchments and is calling for community feedback to help manage the risk of flooding in the two areas.  

Council is seeking information from people living or doing business in the study areas of:   

  • Upper Byrnes Creek catchment – located between South Creek and Ropes Creek and includes the residential suburb of St Clair, Erskine Park and Colyton.  
  • Blackwell Creek catchment – located between South Creek and Ropes Creek and includes the residential suburb of St Clair and Erskine Park. The study area includes part of the Western Sydney Employment Lands located between Erskine Park and the Warragamba Pipeline.   

Penrith Mayor, Todd Carney said Council is calling on property owners in these two catchment areas to share their local knowledge on flooding to help the City to be flood ready in the future.   

“These studies will update Council’s existing flood information and help us plan for, predict and manage the risk of flooding across the two catchments,” Mayor Carney said.  

“This local information will help us to develop realistic and effective plans to reduce the risk and costs of flooding, help people to respond in case of an emergency and evacuation, and guide future development in the areas.”  

To prepare the study, Council has engaged Advisian, an independent consultant specialising in flooding investigations.  

For more information and to complete the questionnaires, visit yoursaypenrith.com.au/BlackwellCreekFS and yoursaypenrith.com.au/UpperbyrnesFS before 5pm, Monday 11 March 2024. 

Council has also posted questionnaires to those living within the study areas.  

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