Sunday, January 26, 2025

New disability body for WA

The WA Government has announced it will establish the State’s first Office of Disability to promote the rights and interests of people with disability and the broader disability sector.

It says the Office will act as a vital conduit of information and knowledge on the range and quality of services people with disability require.

“The establishment of an Office of Disability will ensure disability continues to be at the forefront of the McGowan Government’s focus, and that there is a strong voice advocating for people with disability across Government, the disability sector and the broader community,” said Disability Services Minister, Don Punch.

“The McGowan Government has an ongoing commitment to deliver better outcomes for the 411,500 Western Australians living with disability, as part of our commitment to invest in key services to support all Western Australians.

“The new Office of Disability is key to both optimising the local delivery of the NDIS and increasing the economic and social participation of people with disability.”

Mr Punch said the Office will sit within the Department of Communities and provide disability sector stewardship, advice on State and Commonwealth systems, and drive work and innovation to advance inclusion and participation of people with disability in Western Australia.

He said that, importantly, the Office would also have a role in informing and advising government on the experiences between Western Australians with disability, their families and carers and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

For more information, visit https://www.ourstatebudget.wa.gov.au

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