Thursday, February 13, 2025

Murray River phone scam warning

Murray River Council has issued a warning to local residents about a phone scam currently operating in the region.

“It’s been brought to Council’s attention that a phone scam is currently running in the local area with Murray River Council customers being told that that their water bill is overdue and payment is required immediately,” Council said in a statement today.

“This not the case as Council won’t chase up customers for payment over the phone.

“When it comes to customer contact regarding billing we contact customers primarily via mail (Aust Post) or in some cases email, not by phone. Council only sends reminder and final notices via mail.”

If Council officers do call a customer in relation to a billing enquiry, it is generally to return a customer’s call, the Council said.

“If customers do have any billing enquiries they should contact our Customer Service Team who can easily look up account details and provide up-to-date and accurate information in relation to their account.”

“Customers are also reminded that they should only ever make payments by one of the methods noted on their bill.”

If you think you may have been scammed, please contact Scamwatch or the ACCC.

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