Saturday, February 8, 2025

Monash welcomes women’s homelessness project

Monash Council is among six Councils in eastern Melbourne to share $180,000 in Victorian Government funding for a project to prevent homelessness among older women.

Monash Mayor, Stuart James, said the project was a good example of the local government sector working together to support people at risk.

“Single women over 55 are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in the eastern metropolitan region,” he said.

“This work will explore lived experiences of women over 55 and identify service gaps in the region and identify critical points at which intervention may help keep older women safe from homelessness.

“The project findings will be used to inform all levels of government about preventive approaches and alternative housing models for women over 55 that could be delivered locally and across the eastern region.

“I thank the Victorian Government for this funding, and Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Whitehorse, and Yarra Ranges councils for working alongside us on this important issue. Great things can happen with councils work together.

“I also acknowledge my colleague on Council and former Mayor, Cr Rebecca Paterson, for her work as Chair of the Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance and the role she has played in getting this project underway,” said Cr James.

The Preventing Homelessness in Older Women Project is being undertaken by the Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance. The project also brings together partners from the Victoria Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions and the community housing and homelessness sectors.

Their work will seek to:

  • connect available data
  • consult with women with lived experience of housing insecurity and other key stakeholders
  • identify service gaps and critical points at which intervention might improve outcomes
  • include a review of alternative services and housing models.

Findings will be used to inform all levels of government about preventive approaches and alternative housing models for women over 55 that could be delivered locally and across the eastern region.

Knox City Council will be the lead Council, with the project expected to be completed in November 2023.

The $180,000 was provided to the Eastern Metropolitan Partnership under the Victorian Government’s Metropolitan Partnerships Development Fund.

The Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance is made up of representatives from includes Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse, and Yarra Ranges councils.

Since 2017, the alliance has advised different levels of government on the shortfall in social and affordable housing across our region. There is currently a shortfall of 9,400 dwellings, which will increase to 11,800 by 2032 unless action is taken.

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