Friday, February 7, 2025

Guyra park name put to public vote

Armidale Regional Council has put a request to officially name a recreation area on Bradley Street in Guyra on public exhibition.

The Council says it received a letter from the Combined Guyra Clubs and Organisations to request the public area as ‘Guyra Memorial Park’.

“Guyra Garden Club has approached former members of the locally now defunct Apex Club who have agreed for this area of the park to be known as Guyra Memorial Park,” the letter said.

Signatures of committee members of the various clubs, including former members of the Apex club, were included in the letter to support the naming request.

The park features a number of completed war memorial projects including Memorial Avenue, the Mandala Garden and Memorial Plinths.

The Guyra Garden Club was successful in obtaining three grants totalling $70,000 for their construction. These works have taken over three years to complete – thanks to a host of local volunteers, many coming from the local garden club.

These projects have been successfully delivered along with collaborative efforts by Armidale Regional Council, Guyra Country Women’s Association (CWA) and Guyra Rotary Club to deliver a new sheltered BBQ, picnic table area and Rotunda in the park.

“Our parks are cherished spaces for recreation and relaxation,” said Council Mayor, Sam Coupland.

“And it is also fitting that this park is being named the Guyra Memorial Park as it features a number of memorial aspects including Memorial Plinths identifying service people lost overseas during World Wars 1 and 2.

“By naming this park, we can celebrate our community’s identity, commemorate those who fought and died for our country and also create a welcoming space that Guyra residents can enjoy.”

The area to the north of the picnic shed will continue to be known as ‘Apex Park’, the Council said.

One of the organisers of the project, David Kanaley, said the group plans to apply for more funding to include a footpath that links the rotunda to the memorial avenue of trees and the memorial plinths.

Residents can have their say on the Guyra Memorial Park naming request via Council’s Your Say page. The public exhibition period will be on public exhibition for 28 days from August 7.

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