Saturday, February 8, 2025

Community to help shape Belconnen Town Centre redevelopment

A Place Design Brief has been released that will guide the sale and the future development within the Belconnen Town Centre.

The brief defines community expectations for land to be released on the lakeshore and Lathlain Street, focusing on people-friendly places and desirable urban experiences.

“For many Canberran’s, the Town Centre holds fond memories of work, recreation and relaxation,” said Minister for Education and Youth Affairs, Yvette Berry (pictured).

“Essential to the continued successful development is responding to community aspirations for the area, through this Place Design Brief.”

The Minister said the Place Design Brief had been developed through engagement with the local community to identify what the community wants to see in the areas into the future.

“Several sites along Lathlain Street, Emu Bank and Evelyn Parker Place are scheduled for release over the coming years and this brief will ensure that future developers understand what’s important to the community and to develop in line with the community’s aspirations,” Ms Berry said.

“Walkable, safe connections, a greener urban environment, and more shared spaces and facilities are what the community wish to see in Belconnen.”

She said the sales package for the release of key sites along the foreshore will ask for innovative design and development proposals that respond to the Place Design Brief.

“This will encourage developers to put place planning and people at the forefront of their development proposals,” the Minister said.

More information on the Belconnen community engagement and the Place Design Brief can be found at yoursay.act.gov.au/belconnen-place-planning.

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