Saturday, February 8, 2025

WA Seniors to get Pfizer jabs

Western Australians aged 60 and over will be eligible to receive a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine from next week.

From 6.30am Monday, September 20, people in this age group can visit www.rollup.wa.gov.au to register and book an appointment at a State-run COVID-19 vaccination clinic.

The move means all Western Australians aged 12 and above will be eligible for a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination from Monday next week following a further expansion of the vaccine program.

“I am pleased to see the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine eligibility opening to Western Australians in their 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond,” said Premier, Mark McGowan.

“This is something I have been calling on for some time.

“As a State we need to do everything we can to get as many people vaccinated as we can, acknowledging there are supply issues and other challenges out of the State’s control.

“WA’s COVID-19 vaccine program has grown swiftly following various vaccine blitzes we’ve been running and I want to see this keep going.

“I want to thank everyone who is on the frontline or working tirelessly behind the scenes to get more people vaccinated to protect us from COVID-19.”

WA Health State-run COVID-19 vaccination clinics are available in more than 100 locations across Western Australia, with sites listed on the HealthyWA website.

In line with the national health advice from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, the Premier said people aged 60 or older who have already had a first dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine should have their second dose of the AstraZeneca, as different vaccines cannot be mixed.

To date, more than 84% of people aged 60 and older have received their first doses and more than 60% of people aged 60 and older are fully vaccinated.

“I am confident that this move will see a shift in people 60 and above booking in to get vaccinated against COVID-19,” said Health Minister, Roger Cook.

“I urge anyone who is eligible and hasn’t yet taken their opportunity, to register and book their COVID-19 vaccination appointment as soon as they can.”

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