Saturday, February 8, 2025

Liverpool crowns top senior citizen

Liverpool celebrated Australia Day by firing up the barbie in Bigge Park, welcoming new citizens and conferring honours on residents who are making amazing contributions to the city.

Liverpool Mayor, Ned Mannoun said the city celebrated its diverse multiculturalism in many ways, but especially by uniting to celebrate “the best country in the world, Australia”.

“Australia Day is not about the nation, it is about the people who make the nation,” he said.

“It is a land of opportunities that welcomes new residents from all nations and gives them a safe and harmonious place to live.”

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbot, State MP Tina Ayyad and Federal MP Dai Le at the Citizenship Ceremony.

Australia Day Ambassador Lottie Dalziel warmly welcomed the new citizens and former Prime Minister Tony Abbott joined the celebrations, telling the new citizens they had made the right choice.

Liverpool City Council awarded eight Australia Day awards, in recognition of some significant contributors to Liverpool.

“All those who have received awards have collectively donated hundreds of hours to the community and have made Liverpool a better place to be.  That’s why we have recognised them,” Mannoun said.

Bruce Clark was named Liverpool’s Senior Citizen of the Year.

Mr Clark has volunteered in the local community for Search Dogs Sydney and the NSW SES for over a decade. He has dedicated hundreds of hours to assisting his community in times of disaster, maintaining the facilities for the dogs, undertaking canine search and recovery training and being a proactive contributor to public education campaigns. It should also be noted that he cooks a mean sausage sizzle, the Council said in a statement following Mr Clark’s award presentation.

Mayor Ned Mannoun, Arts and Culture Award winner Lexie Carroll and Australia Day Ambassador Lottie Dalziel.

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